Let’s Get Started

Your Very First Meditation Series:


Welcome! You are about to start your very first meditation lesson. You are taking the first step towards a blissful life!

At the end of this series you will know a powerful 35 minute meditation that you can practice daily. Try each meditation in the order presented and when you feel ready, try the final meditation that puts them all together

Humming Meditation

Mahamantra (The Great Mantra)

This is a technique to make your mind centered & integrated, and fill you with energy. Through humming - a powerful means of bringing your awareness to the present moment - this technique  cleanses the energy blocks in the mind-body system.

Level 1, 21 minutes

Humming meditation circles

Body Detoxification

Chaotic Breathing

This is a rapid breathing technique that is very beneficial for boosting the oxygen supply and purifying the blood. It is also helpful in cleansing the body of toxins and stabilizing the vital flow of energy all over the body.

Level 1, 7 minutes

Body Detoxification by Chaotic Breathing
Chakra Awareness

Chakras Awareness

Your chakras are the points at which pranic energy enters your body. If they are kept in an energized condition, you will be free from all types of diseases. Pranic breathing from the various chakras is a quick way to rejuvenate yourself.

let your chakras breathe

Unclutching - The Ultimate Technique

This is a simple yet powerful technique to reach enlightenment


Gratitude - The Ultimate form of Prayer

Expressing gratitude is powerful meditation that transforms your inner space. This makes your actions be in harmony with the cosmos, leading to better and better results in everything you do.

Lets Put It All Together

Nithya Dhyaan - A Powerful Meditation You Can Practice Daily

Now lets put together all the meditations you learned in this series into one powerful meditation. When practiced every morning, it helps you be stress free, energized, and be your best in everything you do, ALL day.

Nithya Dhyaan - Practice It Daily


Congratulations! You have just finished your first powerful meditation series! Now, feel free to explore the rest of the site.


Five minute meditations: (You can try these meditations in any order)

Drop The Anxiety and Fear

Drop The Anxiety and Fear

This meditation helps us greatly to acknowledge and distinguish between conscious and unconscious worries, hence reducing the anxiety and fears within us. ...

Freedom From Emotional Baggage

Freedom From Emotional Baggage

This meditation can be performed anytime/anywhere to free your inner space from the emotionally loaded memories such as fear, love, and greed. ...

Breathe Deep to De-Stress

Breathe Deep to De-Stress

This inhaling and exhaling breathing technique will instantly help you remove the stress. When the mind focuses on just breathing, it becomes ...

Dissolve the Negativity

Dissolve the Negativity

If you observe closely, your breathing pattern changes significantly when you are under the influence of powerful emotions. Emotions like fear, desire ...

Blast Open your Heart Energy

Blast Open your Heart Energy

This powerful meditation is an instant way to open the anahata (heart) chakra and increase the vitality in the body. The heart ...

Experience Stillness and Peace

Experience Stillness and Peace

This is a  classic 11 minute technique that is quite well known across various styles of meditation. You will be guided towards ...

Drop The Anxiety and Fear

Drop The Anxiety and Fear

Freedom From Emotional Baggage

Freedom From Emotional Baggage

Breathe Deep to De-Stress

Breathe Deep to De-Stress

Dissolve the Negativity

Dissolve the Negativity

Blast Open your Heart Energy

Blast Open your Heart Energy

Experience Stillness and Peace

Experience Stillness and Peace