Each chakra has its own mystic beeja mantra (seed syllable). The resonance of this beeja
mantra energizes the particular chakra.
DURATION: 21 minutes
Step 1: Sit comfortably with your spine erect and your eyes closed.
Place your awareness on the muladhara chakra.
Intone the mantra Lam once with your awareness on the muladhara chakra.
Feel the vibration at the muladhara chakra.
Step 2: Let your awareness move up to the swadhishtana chakra.
Intone the mantra Vam* once with your awareness on the swadhistana chakra. Feel the
vibration at the swadhistana chakra.
*(pronounced to rhyme with “Hum”)
Step 3: Let your awareness move up to the manipuraka chakra. Intone the mantra Ram
(‘Rum”) once with your awareness on the manipuraka chakra. Feel the vibration at the
manipuraka chakra.
Step 4: Let your awareness move up to the anahata chakra. Intone the mantra Yam (“Yum”)
once with your awareness on the anahata chakra. Feel the vibration at the anahata chakra.
Step 5: Let your awareness move up to the vishuddhi chakra. Intone the mantra Ham
(“Hum”) once with your awareness on the vishuddhi chakra. Feel the vibration at the
vishuddhi chakra.
Step 6: Let your awareness move up to the ajna chakra. Intone the mantra Om (“Ohm”) once
with your awareness on the ajna chakra. Feel the vibration at the ajna chakra.
Step 7: Now, reverse the process.
Descend to the muladhara chakra step by step, repeating the mantra for each chakra.
Repeat the whole process nine times.