1) Mantra for physical, emotional and spiritual well-being:Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
Om, trayambakam yajaamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanam
Urvaarukamiva bandhanaat mrityor muksheeya ma amritaat.
Om! We worship Lord Shiva, the three-eyed one, who is full of fragrance and who nourishes all beings;
English Translation:May He liberate me from death, bestow salvation and (lead me) towards Eternity (make me immortal) just
as the ripe cucumber is severed (from the creeper) of its bondage.
2) Mantra for knowledge: Prayer to Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge
Saraswati namastubhyam, varade Kaamarupini
Vidyarambham karishyami, Siddhir bhavatu me sadaa
English Translation:My humble prostrations unto Thee, O Goddess Saraswati, fulfiller of all my wishes! I begin my learning, may I achieve perfection in it always.
3) Mantra for prosperity: Prayer to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth
Siddhi buddhiprade devi bhukti mukti pradaayini
Mantramurte sada devi mahalakshmi namostute”
English Translation:O divine goddess, bestower of success and intelligence, worldly pleasures as well as liberation
The mantras comprise your graceful form; propitious Mother, I surrender to you.
4) Mantra for auspicious beginnings: Prayer to Lord Ganesha, remover of impediments
om tatpurushaya vidmahe
vakratundaya dhimahi
tanno dantih prachodayat
English Translation:We devote our thought to that supreme person.
We meditate upon Him who has a curved trunk.
May the tusked One guide us on the right path.
5) Mantra for experiencing the Divine in everything: a prayer before meals which compares the act of eating to that of a holy sacrifice made to the inner fire.
Brahmaarpanam brahma havih
Brahmaagnau brahmanaahutam
Brahamaiva tena gantavyam
Brahma karma samadhinaa
English Translation:The Divine is the offering, the oblation, the fire and the fuel all
One who is absorbed (in the Divine) in every action will certainly attain to the Divine!
6) Mantra for gratitude: Prayer to Mother Earth
Samudra vasane devi, paravata stanamandale
Vishnu patni namastubhyam, paada sparsham kshamasva me
7) Mantra for surrender: Concluding prayer after worship
Kaayena vaacha manasendriyervaa
Buddyaatmanaavaa prakriter swabhaavaat
Karomi yat yat sakalam parasmai
Narayanayeti samarpayaami
English Translation:Whether through the body, through words, through the mind, through the senses,
Through the intellect, the self or due to one’s natural habits
Whatever I do, whether as prescribed by the scriptures or not
I offer all (these deeds) at the feet of the Lord!